Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Why bother?

Yesterday I ordered some toner for my office copy machine. The guy asks me to spell my name, which I did.
Then today a box of toner arrived for Kuiana. Why ask? If you are just going to mail it with whatever you feel like on there, why waste the time?
It is as though my name actually short circuits the brain.


cymberleah said...

Aw, I like your name. Granted, I have never actually tried to spell it, but I think that K is a more prevelant first letter for a name than Q, and the poor guy was just so firmly entrenched in his odd little world where Q is the letter of death and destruction that he couldn't append it to the name of the nice girl on the other side of the phone.

Shows how well he knows you, eh?

qtilla said...

It certainly does. :o)