Thursday, January 11, 2007

Gargoyle Toes is at least honest with self.

Today a coworker rushed over to show me the newest addition to the cubical of Gargoyle Toes (who is not in today).

Upon closer inspection you will see 3 dirty beverage containers, and new art.
It reads: Ineptitude: If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.
I'm completely stymied.
Well, she is certainly the most inept person I know. And I know A LOT of useless bastards.


cymberleah said...

Hmmm. I'd love to get one of those for My Useless Coworker. Except she's not only inept, she's laaaazy and has decided that since doing her job doesn't allow her enough time to surf the internet, she just won't do her job. I suppose that limits the damage she could do, but it's moderately frustrating to watch someone surf all day, then ask you for help with their workload as 5 rolls around.

D. Prince said...
