Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A kinder gentler Quiana

Antiquated language I would like to use:
I would like to return to calling people "turkeys."
Example: "You're a bunch of turkeys" instead of "you're a bunch of useless fuck-ups."

This is perfectly in line with my new driving methodology (stay right and set my cruise control to 63.) This is designed to make me more relaxed. If being late all the time and being relaxed are the same, then yes, this has been completely effective.

Other gentler elements of my life include tiptoeing through tulips and having teddy bear picnics. True story.


cymberleah said...

Now, when you come up with gentle code for swearing, you aren't supposed to tell people. When you call me a turkey, I'll *know* what you're really saying now, and will just get all sad.

Also, right lane cruise control seems like a good idea until you come up on someone going 55. I suggest the middle lane. Nothing is more relaxing than irking the people trying to go faster than you.

Then again, I am a turkey.

cymberleah said...

Ok, so... please ignore the "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" part of the 'kinder, gentler Quiana' as it makes you much, much too quiet.

I dreamt I was reading your blog last night; that was moderatly surreal to recall when I woke up this morning.

PalinDrome said...

A cartoon that magically appeared in my RSS reader today seemed quite apropos.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal