Count Duckula.
Postal staff walk off job to show ire at AIDS tract
Anti-gay pamphlets shouldn't be delivered because they're hate speech, union says
Sixty postal workers at an east
"It's a basic principle -- you don't deliver hate literature," Ken Mooney, president of the
But Canada Post later refused to acknowledge that workers had walked out or that officials would review the policy on mail delivery.
"They did not walk out; they were taking a break. That is what we are calling it," Lillian Au, communications manager for Canada Post's Pacific region, said in an interview. "They are entitled to two 15-minute coffee breaks and after they took their break, they came back and continued to work. We do not consider that to be a walkout."
Canada Post will deliver the pamphlet, Ms. Au also said. "It did not go out [Thursday] but it will be going out. Our commitment to the client, the sender, is that we have a three-day window to deliver that piece of mail. . . . It is business as usual."
Rev. Sterling Clark, a Baptist pastor for almost 60 years, wrote most of the booklet at the centre of the controversy. The front-page headline on The Prophetic Word, which provoked the protest, reads: The Plague of this 21st Century: The Consequences of the sin of Homosexuality (AIDS).
The article holds homosexuality responsible for the deaths for AIDS victims and social problems related to AIDS. An editorial in the booklet states that homosexuals are not nation-builders because they do not have children "and thereby contribute to the death of a nation." (I think they'd better off banning school if they want to promote a population boom.)
Mr. Clark, 77, dismissed the allegation that he had written a piece of homophobic hate literature. "What do they mean by hate? Is it a matter they do not agree with? Is it coming down to, you have one point of view and I have another, and that is classified as hate?" Mr. Clark said in an interview.
He did not retreat from the message of his booklet. He said AIDS is a plague sweeping the world that can be stopped by people honouring monogamous relationships between husband and wife.
He said that homosexuality was responsible for the problems caused by AIDS because homosexuals were responsible for the start of AIDS.
Mr. Clark said he wrote the booklet to draw attention to the fact that the Black Death in the 14th century was caused by fleas, rats and rodents, but AIDS was caused by people and their lifestyle. He wanted to say that so many people are dead and dying from AIDS because they lead an unhealthy lifestyle and that the AIDS "plague" points to a prophetic fulfilment of Scripture about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Mr. Mooney, of the postal union, said the booklet is a diatribe against the gay community, blaming homosexuals for the demise of Western civilization. Postal workers wanted to take a stand against the distribution of the material. "We have a lot of gay members in the work force. I have a gay brother; most of us know someone who has died from AIDS," he said. "Maybe your son died of AIDS and you are going to get this. It is so offensive."
Mr. Mooney said he believes the line between freedom of expression and hate literature is clear. "Circumstances and facts surrounding each case are going to dictate the outcome. But as a business, I think Canada Post has a social responsibility to take a stand on this," he said. "For a few bucks, they have entered into delivery for hate mail. Why?"
Canada Post may ensure the material is delivered, he added. But the mail will not be delivered by union members. It could be by an outside contractors or supervisors, he said.
Ms. Au said Canada Post does not intend to back down.
"We recognize people have opinions, but if they have an issue with this particular piece of mail, they should direct their concerns to the author of the piece, the sender, or take it up with the police," she said. "We don't have the right to censor the mail."
Canada Post reviews mail for safety reasons to ensure it does not pose a threat to workers and to determine whether the size is suitable for delivery by a postal workers. It also checks whether mail includes sexually explicit images.
"As far as whether it is hate mail, we don't look at that. It's not part of our mandate," Ms. Au said.
Jason Gratl, president of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association, said the booklet should not be distributed if the material is hate literature as defined by federal law. "Employees should not be required by their employers to commit crimes," he said.
"As much as we don't like the idea of Canada Post screening the contents of the material they distribute, it is probably a good idea to determine whether or not the material constitutes a criminal offence," Mr. Gratl also said. However, he had not seen the booklet and declined to express an opinion on whether it could be considered hate literature.
November 7, 2006
3:30 to 7:00 for the Silent Auction
7:00 to 9:00 for the movie “Expiration Date”
Shoreline, WA
Ma, take this badge off of me.
I can't use it any more.
It's getting dark, too dark to see.
Feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door.
Ma, take these guns away from me.
I can't shoot them any more.
There's a long black cloud following me.
Feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Look at the ground!!!!! Look at the coffin!! Your uncle is dead! Do not look at David. Do not look at anyone.
And finally SNORT!
Earth's recent warming trend might in part be due to a lack of starlight reaching our planet, a new study suggests. But other scientists are not so sure.
According to a theory proposed a decade ago, when a star explodes far away in the Milky Way, cosmic rays—high-speed atomic particles—go through the Earth’s atmosphere and produce ions and free electrons.
The released electrons act as catalysts and accelerate the formation of small clusters of sulfuric acid and water molecules, the building blocks of clouds. Therefore, cosmic rays would increase cloud cover on Earth, reflecting sunlight and keeping the planet relatively cool.
However, because the Sun’s magnetic field—which shields the Earth from these rays—doubled in intensity during the last century, there has been a reduction in cloudiness, a possible contributor to Earth’s warming.
Scientists at the
Microscopic droplets, precursor to clouds, started floating in the air of the reaction chamber.
We were amazed by the speed and efficiency with which the electrons do their work of creating the building blocks for the cloud condensation nuclei,” said team leader Henrik Svensmark, Director of the Center for Sun-Climate Research at the
The results however, may not transfer to natural conditions outside the controlled laboratory environment.
“Studies that have evaluated the claims that global cloud cover is related to changes in cosmic rays find that if you re-examine this matter outside of the brief period which they used, the relationship falls apart,” said Raymond Bradley director of the
The researchers agree that further study is needed to estimate the contribution of this mechanism to the recent warming of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
This work does not mean that there is no human influence on climate, Svensmark told LiveScience. “But it might be necessary to revaluate the climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide.”
The study was detailed online this month in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A.
I struggled to come up with some kind of Fantastic Four meets Republican propeganda joke, (Ha! Invisible Unwed Mothers etc.) but screw it. I am too damn tired.St. Joseph Superior Court Judge Roland Chamblee Jr. sentenced Jeffrey Pelley, 34, to four consecutive 40-year sentences in the shotgun slayings of his minister-father and the others at the family's parsonage.
Investigators said Pelley was angry at his father for grounding him just before the
Pelley continued to maintain his innocence during Tuesday's hearing.
"I loved my family dearly and I have lived my life trying to pattern my life after my father," Pelley said through heavy sobs. "I would not, I could not and I did not do this."
His attorneys said he will appeal.
Pelley wasn't charged until 2002, when the case was reinvestigated. He was living in
A St. Joseph County jury found him guilty July 21 in the shooting deaths of his father, the Rev. Robert Pelley, 38; his stepmother, Dawn Pelley, 32; and stepsisters, Janel, 8, and Jolene, 6. They were killed in the parsonage adjacent to the Olive Branch Church of the United Brethren in Lakeville, about 10 miles south of
Pelley's sister, Jacque Delp, who was not home at the time of the shootings, testified on his behalf.
"He is one of the most kind and compassionate people I know," she said.
Pelley's attorneys had argued during his trial that there wasn't enough time for him to have killed his family, cleaned up and still made it to the
The defense also questioned the decision by investigators not to look for fingerprints at the crime scene. Police officers testified during the trial that they didn't think they would find any usable prints and they thought it would be a waste of time because Pelley was their main suspect.
The shotgun used in the killings was never found.
He was irritatingly smart. He could tell you the common and scientific names of any animal. He could tell you where it lives, what it does, what it eats. Sometimes I thought he knew everything. He was insufferable to play against in Trivial Pursuit.
He was an emotional person. A person who had made a million mistakes and held each one in his heart. A million regrets can fit in their too.
He passed away a few days ago, suddenly and alone in his apartment. We didn’t find out until last night. Telling my mother that her big brother had died was the worst thing that I’ve ever had to do.
Before he died he kept making plans with me and then literally sleeping through them. I kept falling for it and I was mad at myself for being such an idiot.
And I’m mad at myself now. I feel like I blew him off, but I didn’t.
I think maybe I feel bad that he felt so strongly for me and I don’t know what to say about "my other uncle."
Media tycoon Haim Saban, who built his fortune from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, unveiled a new venture to develop family programs starting with a live-action troupe of dogs performing classic fairy tales.
Saban's Los Angeles-based private equity firm Saban Capital Group Inc. said on Tuesday it would create a virtual studio that employs freelance producers, writers and artists to fund programming that can travel across different delivery systems, including video games, mobile devices and broadcast TV.
"I am thrilled to return to my roots and focus on developing media properties for children and families," Saban said in a statement.
The first project, 26 half-hour episodes of "Hollywood Star Dogs," will be unveiled at a gathering of international television executives next week in the south of
The Saban Entertainment Group venture also has signed a deal to work with Singapore-based animation studio Tiny Island Animation to develop computer-generated programs.
A self-professed cartoon peddler, Saban converted 1,500 hours of children's television programming into a joint venture with Fox Entertainment, which was later sold to Walt Disney Co. for about $3 billion.
Saban had earlier secured the rights to the Power Rangers, which became a hit series in the mid-1990s with accompanying best-selling action figures in the
He now owns German broadcaster ProSiebenSat.1 with a group of other investors and is buying
Having fasted for 15 hours, peed in a cup, endured a cholesterol pinprick, hearing my weight, having 2 shots, and the removal of 5 vials of blood, calling me a wuss during my pap, was a bit much for me.
Let me ask you, Lady Doctor, do they make a larger set of cooch attacking hardware? Do they also make them colder? That would be great.
No amount of relaxing, is going to make this less awkward. I don’t really like strangers tinkering with my lady machinery. Least of all 55 year old women with giant forceps (is that what you call those?). I assure you that no penis is quite that large-- not that I’m taking an international survey. I promise my lady bits are most unfamiliar with being peered and prodded at anxiously by cold metal probe wielding strangers (in spite of my serial dating) and women (even though I did go to Bryn Mawr).
Yes, Lady Doctor, I do recognize that my snoosh could probably fit, oh say, a guinea pig and a junior league soccer ball. However, I am not about to join the Rodent Junior Athletics League. Your kind suggestion that perhaps I should put more things up there more often will be carefully considered before rejection. I am not suffering from a psychological problem having to do with being touched in the crotchal region. I am just 4 days away from my waxing appointment and shy about strangers fussing about in my stuff. I am certainly not used to having bachellorette party prop size tongs in my cooter.
So once a year I get to be a pansy as long as it involves giant metal tongs, strangers, and my hoohaw. And you will just have to live with it.
LOS ANGELES - Doctor doctor, give us the news. But ABC is staying mum about the reported on-set scuffle between the actors portraying Dr. McDreamy and Dr. Burke on TV's top-rated "Grey's Anatomy."
An argument between Isaiah Washington and Patrick Dempsey got physical and led to a temporary pause in production, the New York Daily News reported in its Wednesday editions.
The actors shared a heated exchange Monday about cast members delaying a scene when
Representatives for the actors said the two have made amends.
"Differences are inevitable,"
Dempsey's spokeswoman echoed that sentiment: "There was an argument on set. In any close-knit family, sometimes people argue. But everybody made up and went back to work."
On-set arguments are common, said TV historian Tim Brooks, co-author of "The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows."
"Diva-like conduct is certainly not unusual," he said. "You have a lot of egos there, and you have a lot of creative people who think they're more creative than the other."
"Moonlighting," which aired from 1985 to 1989, was famous for its fighting on set, Brooks said. More recently, rumors of on-set animosity dogged ABC's "Desperate Housewives" and The WB's "Charmed."
But physical violence "is pretty unusual," he said, adding that anything that harms an actor's appearance could affect their work.
"Dr. McDreamy needs his cheekbones," Brooks said. "Real violence can lead to fictional violence that can end your job."
Now in its third season, "Grey's Anatomy" has been the No. 1 show in the Nielsen ratings for two of the new season's three weeks. The romantic medical drama centers on the personal and professional lives of surgeons and interns at the fictional Seattle Grace hospital. Besides Dempsey and Washington, the show stars Sandra Oh, Katherine Heigl and Ellen Pompeo.
The show earned 11 Emmy nominations this year, including one for best drama, and won the prize for outstanding casting. It was also nominated for three Golden Globe awards and Oh won for best supporting actress.
Oh silly boys! No need to fight over me, there is plenty to go around. I have been running a small survey regarding which is cuter, Isaiah Washington or Patrick Dempsey. I didn't mean for it to go so far. Seriously though, I can't imagine this happening in the workplace. "No, the TPS reports will go out Monday!" Quiana screeched leaping across the cubical to grab Gargoyle Toes by the neck and shoving her through a mysteriously convenient pane of glass.DPRK's Readiness to Boost Ties of Cooperation with International Community Reiterated
Papers Call for Demonstrating Songun
Floral Baskets Placed before Statues of Kim Il Sung
Sri Lankan Preparatory Committee Inaugurated
Korean People's Efforts to Settle Issue of
Film Show at Cuban Embassy
7th National Computer Program Exhibition in Field of Education Held
Foreign Delegations Arrive
President of
Kim Jong-il Says the Darnedest Things: The extra-large propaganda machine of the DPRK.
''It has been confirmed that there was no such danger as radioactive emission in the course of the nuclear test as it was carried out under scientific consideration and careful calculation.
''The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100 percent. It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defense capability.
''It will contribute to defending the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the area around it.''
A model of the Starship Enterprise used in the pilot and title sequences of “Star Trek: The Next Generation'' sold for $576,000 Saturday at an auction of costumes, sets and props from 40 years of the “Star Trek'' sci-fi franchise.
The 78-inch-long (198-centimeter) miniature of the “Enterprise-D,'' built by Industrial Light and Magic, debuted in 1987 in the episode “Encounter at Farpoint,'' and then was used in many subsequent episodes, as well as the film “Star Trek Generations.''
More than 1,000 items from the archives of CBS Paramount Television Studios went on the block over three days at Christie's auction house, and fans forked over a total of $7.1 million for set furniture, pointy Vulcan ears and other props.
Some Christie's employees taking bids by telephone wore Star Trek uniforms, and a live feed of the auction was carried on the History Channel's Web site.
Other top sellers from Saturday's auction included a spacesuit belonging to the series' Dr. McCoy from the episode “The Tholian Web,'' which fetched $144,000; and a replica of Captain James T. Kirk's chair on the bridge in the first Star Trek series.
The painted wood chair was only a re-creation for a 1996 episode of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'' that mixed action from that newer series with old footage, but it still sold for $62,400.
SOFIA (Reuters) - A Bulgarian woman who killed her son was released from prison because of terminal cancer. She then went home and killed her husband, police said Tuesday.
The 57-year-old was sentenced to 15 years in jail for killing her 29-year-old son with a garden hoe in April 2005 while he was sleeping.
Last month, authorities judged her to be in the final stages of cancer and let her go home, where she stabbed her husband in the throat with a knife.
"It was established she was in the last stage of cancer, she had it all over her body," said a spokeswoman for the Bourgas regional police.
"They presumed she was feeling bad and she would treat herself and rest. But nothing of the kind. She got aggressive and ... she killed her husband."
The woman, from a village in eastern
"She threatened that, if she is released again, she will kill her second son as well," the police spokeswoman said.
"The whole case is like something from the twilight zone."
Yea, just like the Twilight Zone. You released a murderer and they murdered again. Go figure.With Bill Clinton by his side, the Bon Jovi singer, 44, introduced the Phase V Homeownership Project before a crowd of about 350 people in
The effort is sponsored by Bon Jovi's Philadelphia Soul Charitable Foundation and the Saturn car company, working in conjunction with Project HOME and Habitat for Humanity – and Bon Jovi said
The former president, 60, "was intrigued enough that he offered his services, and said, 'If I can help you in any way, don't hesitate.' And we didn't," Bon Jovi told the Associated Press.
Clinton told the audience, "I don't care who is running the government and what the policies are, there will always be a gap between where we are and where we need to be, and those of you out there in the audience have to step into that gap," the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.
Thursday night, Clinton and former president George H.W. Bush were honored at the 2006 Liberty Medal ceremony at
James Lee, 28, was trying to get out of the SUV when it smashed into a tree. He walked away with a bloody nose caused by the air bag.
But, it could've been worse. At least it wasn't the new Volvo XC90 he won in a contest.
Last month, Lee was one of 11 people from across the country to win a new vehicle from McDonald's, the
He hasn't taken delivery of the new vehicle yet.
When I saw the headline I didn't think that this was "oddly enough" material, because I would totally have an accident if there was a spider in my car; but I'm quite amused by the end of the article. I feel they should have tried to work the word 'booty' into the headline though.Police: Men smuggled monkeys in pants; also leopard cubs, orchids, birds of paradise
By Lisa Sweetingham, Court TV Tue Sep 19, 5:42 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Court TV) - When the rare birds of paradise escaped from his suitcase and flew over the heads of U.S. Customs Agents at
"I have monkeys in my pants," Cusack told the agents.
Cusack, 49, had just gotten off a plane from
Two endangered slow loris pygmy monkeys were rescued from Cusack's underwear.
For attempting to smuggle four birds of paradise, two lorises and 50 rare orchids into the
But Cusack wasn't alone.
His traveling companion, Chris Edward Mulloy, allegedly sneaked two newborn Asian leopard cats past the customs agents.
Authorities believe Mulloy, 45, hid the felines in hand-carried luggage, checked into a nearby hotel, and called his sister Darlah Kaye Mulloy to ask for her help in getting rid of the contraband cats.
On Monday, Chris Mulloy was arrested by federal authorities in
He will be arraigned next week and faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted of all charges.
Darlah Mulloy, 48, has not been arrested, but was named along with her brother in a February grand jury indictment on two counts of illegally receiving, concealing, and transporting wildlife, and attempting to obstruct justice and tamper with a witness.
Authorities said they were aided by a tipster in their four-year investigation.
A spokesman from the U.S. Attorney's off ice, Thom Mrozek, says Darlah Mulloy's son gave one of the leopards to a former girlfriend, who lives in Foothill Ranch,
"She still has it. It's kind of skittish. She's been caring for it for three years now so we don't want to disturb it more than necessary," Mrozek said, adding that they are currently searching for a suitable - and legal - home for the wildcat.
The other leopard cat journeyed from Mulloy's luggage to a friend who was unable to care for it, and ultimately on to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in
The lorises, Mrozek says, found a home at the Los Angeles County Zoo. But the four birds of paradise all died.
"That is a not uncommon result of wildlife smuggling," Mrozek said. "These animals die all the time because of the stress of being stuffed into a box and smuggled in. The birds, I think it was the stress of the very long travel and who knows what kind of shape they were in."
While Cusack's monkey-in-pants method might seem bizarre, it's not so far-fetched.
"We had a guy who did it with snakes about eight or nine years ago coming in from
Smuggling rare animals and plants into the country undermines conservation efforts, and the potential economic and ecological consequences can be devastating, Mrozek says.
"In some cases, we're talking about animals that potentially carry diseases like avian flu," Mrozek says. "We did a case a number of years ago in which animals were affected with Exotic Newcastle disease - and that can wipe out an entire industry."
They've also confiscated snakeheads - a type of top-predator fish that can live for short periods on land.
"They will eat everything, so they will decimate the ecology of any body of water they're in," Mrozek says. "There are all kinds of potentially extraordinary problems we face with wildlife smuggling."