Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks.

Almost as good as giving cookies.

This year I'm thankful for:
  • my family- I know that what seems like obnoxious nagging is actually attempted assistance; from people who are wiser than I;
  • my boyfriend- for knowing what I want, when I don't, and for the abilility to say "no"- not to mention being generally adorable;
  • all of my friends- for always being eager and supportive;
  • in particular Steve- for understanding that poop jokes are always funny;
  • my granny- for always being willing to drop everything to find a recipe for me;
  • my job- for existing where there is scarcity;
  • and to Angie- for making me go to the gym and making me laugh. You are one of the nicest, if not the nicest, people I know.
What are you thankful for?

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