Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I don't want to seem obsessed, but...

Here is a little bit more T4 information for those who consider that franchise to have been an overwhelming force in the very foundation of their personality. Uhm... I mean for people who really like movies about robots with nipples.


Anonymous said...

You Quiana, should know better than anyone how excited I get about the coming robot apocolypse. So it should be espically poignient when I say "This does not move me."

There was just something about Terminator 3 that... I dunno. Sucked? Almost as badly as Highlander 2. This movie, in my mind, sucks by association, though I know I'm not giving it a fair swing at things.

qtilla said...

Sometimes I think I don't even know you.

T3 was like the 2nd Lord of the Rings movie. It exists to set up for the most awesome part of the franchise: Robopocolypse.

Who else just got goosebumps?

cymberleah said...

I did.

Anonymous said...

There was a time and place where I would have taken offense to that comparision. That, however, was in the folley of my youth...

I think a more apt comparison would be to highlander 2. With any luck, it'll be written out of the cannon.

Granted, the prospect of Robopocolypse does make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. In fact, I find it difficult to hide my yearning for a robot induced armegeddon. I'll try and give it a chance, but my expectations for this film have been tempered with not only a bad film in the series, but also with the dissapointment borne of my other favorite series.

Anonymous said...

In case my lasts posts made you doubt my love for the robot apocolypse, please consider the following. Please forgive me for making my daily signs of the Robot Apocolypse

Exhibit 1: Straight from Cyberdine Labs

Exhibit 2: How they took the exoskeleton from above and made it scarier.

No, no. Hollywood fantasies sustain me no longer. Like a trauma victim who can no longer gain physical pleasure without violence, I hunger for the deeper, more visceral experience. I wait impatiently, for that dark hour is fastly approaching. It will be both terrifying and glorious as the filthy humans are purged from the face of this planet.