Monday, September 25, 2006

It's a Doozy

I had a busy weekend.
Friday was Rachel's surprise birthday party at the BalMar in Ballard. Of course yours truly arrived in time to bumble in between two police blockades thus finding a nice parking space.
I parked about four spaces up from this:

I had a great time at the party, and I think Rachel did two. Below are some pictures that Rachel took with her nifty new camera that she received for her birthday.

Rachel and Brandon, the cutest couple I have ever seen.

Jackie, Rachel, Monica, and Maya

Rachel and some funny looking girl.


Saturday morning I watched Network again. I can't get over how much this movie filmed in 1976 captures the sentiment of today. The power that the media holds, the feelings of helpless anger that the public feels, and the way that programing is changing. Our shows are tougher. Less Friends, more House. It is just really interesting to me. Seriously, watch this movie.

Later I went to the First Annual Edmonds School District Indian Summer Powwow. It was great! Monica and I went and had a great time. Attendance was pretty good for such a small scale event and I really hope that they raised some money for the Indian Education Department, because they could sure use it.
I will try to get some pictures posted soon.

After that I dragged Monica to Poker Night at the Comic Stop. It was great fun, and I particularly enjoyed seeing Jim again, especially so close to his birthday. I made a cake off of a dubious recipe that turned out to be pretty good. I have never played poker so poorly, though I was cursed with Jacks and Fours, which are not necessarily useful.
When I returned home from poker night I found out that I had accidentally locked the cat in the pantry for numerous hours. In my defense, he sneaks in there. Oh well. He doesn't seem to be holding a grudge.


Monica, Bonnie, and my cousin Sean and I all went to the The Puyallup Fair. My menu for the day:
Strawberry shortcake, cotton candy, a crusty pup, curly fries, funnel cake, and a milkshake.
I can't believe I didn't spend the evening rolling around on the floor murring to myself.

In the evening Melody came over and we watched Night Watch.

It's a Russian movie about good and evil. It is a kind of sci-fi, fantasy, horror movie. While I really liked it, I felt that like most movies made from books, things that are unnecessary and nonsensical are included to placate fans. The story could have been fleshed out in some portions and many characters and vignettes could have been axed to make a stronger and easier to follow movie. I was definitely confused during certain parts. Although two reasons for my confusion are generally unrelated to the actual movie.
1. I can't tell people- especially men- apart. Not just in movies, but in general. When we go out sometimes I will tell some guy, "Now look, I'm trying to be kind here, but I JUST told you no." Only to realize that I told some other spiky-haired stripey-shirted guy to get lost. Let me tell you, Poker Night is a nightmare in terms of names.
2. I can never really understand foreign films. I think as much as all people everywhere are the same, they are totally and completely different. If you don't believe me, go to Youtube and just type in Japan.

Oh and one thing to pimp:Ask a Ninja.

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