Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Confusing news

According to the Ottowa Citizen there is some kind of new system being developed to enable Canadians to cross the border using smart id cards rather than passports. Am I to assume that either we have instructed Canada to change their licensing system or that in order to facilitate travel and to creepily track our whereabouts, both countries are getting new smart ID cards by 2008? Does this mean that I am going to have to shell out another 25$ for a new license in 2008, because I've had TWO 25$ new license charges in the last year, and I'm pretty butthurt about it.
The passport rule for crossing the border isn't to go into effect until 2008, and I guess a lot of folks don't have passports due to the expense. I do feel a bit like a passport is only like 40$ and is good for ten years, so just cough up the dough and suck it up.
Incidentally, my mom mentioned a while ago that gas is over 5$ a gallon in Canada. Ponder that.
Furthermore, Pop Culture Junk Mail is reporting that some Starbucks in Canada and in New England are offering Maple Lattes. Very very jealous.

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