Did anyone see this graph? Oh NYT, why do you make sad graphs? Graphs should only be used for good, not depressing.

Looking back on my choice to enter into a career in a non-profit field where I myself net almost no profit I am now feeling somewhat reassured that no matter what, come this year, I would be absolutely fucked.
Job #1: Pay off student loans by December 2009.
Job #2: Pray.
Job #3: Start saving money for my retirement under my mattress or in my flour jar; somewhere it is safe from molestation.
Man, I totally love that graph. Do you know what it means? That I get to buy in cheap! Buy low, sell high! w00t!
So let's see, what doesn't suck that I can buy with the contents of my elephant bank?
I mean besides a laffy taffy.
I dunno off the top of my head. I'd use someone like Vanguard or some other managed mutual fund.
Really, this only hurts short term investors and people who pull out of the market. In the long term, the market has always grown, even taking into account things like the great depression. You've a long time left before you retire.
This is a great time to get some bargain prices! Find a managed mutual fund. Vanguard's who I use. They've proven themselves fairly nifty.
I really need someone else to do this for me. Know any eligible financial advisers. Limited to two ex-wives and no more than one hideous disfigurement.
I actually know a couple... No ex-wives and quiet handsome, I'm told.
I will then assume that in lieu of hideous disfigurements they have evil twins. Which is really not sooooo bad.
I think you misunderstand the nature of the financial advisers. They do not have evil twins. They are the evil twins.
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